Monday, February 1, 2010

How Do You Like Them Apples?

I took my son to his pre-school for orientation day today. As soon as we arrived, he was given a locker. We put his bag in and as soon as that bag was placed in its slot, he was off! He was introduced to his teacher and he greeted her with a mixture of shyness and braveness at the same time. It was story telling time and the book was about dinosaurs. He was a bit apprehensive joining his classmates on the cushions so I sat down too. He listened to the story with interest and kept telling me about the dinosaurs he already knew (he has a dinosaur book at home). He answered questions and piped up a lot when he felt confident he knew the answer. He always managed to double check with me first though.

After story telling time, they had playtime and painting. He painted a picture with splashes and streaks of purple, green and orange. More play time after that. I left the room for about half an hour to organise payment and other formalities with the director. When I came back, he was still playing and had asked if he could stay for lunch. He made some new friends.

Lunch was lasagna and vegies. He gobbled up most of it. He even told his teacher "I love lasagna!" I took photos of him and realised while he was interacting with the other kids that he has grown up so much from that baby I used to carry in my arms. It made me a bit emotional but I held it together.

Finally, after lunch, he agreed to go after staying longer than we anticipated. He only relented and said it was okay to go when the chef promised him that next week when he starts that she would give him some apples for afternoon tea. The apple deal sealed it for him.

Off we went to the shops and I bought him some sweet treats because I was so proud of him. When we got home, I gave him lots of cuddles! My baby is now a boy but he will always be my baby.

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