Sunday, December 6, 2009

On Forward We Go

Let's make one thing clear... moving sucks! Everything involved in it is not fun at all. Except maybe the cute beefcakes we hired to move our stuff. Aside from that, I really do not like it. I don't like packing because my husband is anal and has his own system which I never seem to get right. I don't like unpacking because I hate putting all those things in their little places - although I have to admit I felt some sort of satisfaction putting away the condiments because the cupboards were bigger and they all fit in one space. I don't like telling dear husband what I want moved and I walk into the old place and the things are still there! Totally overlooked! I don't like that I will be the part timer who is expected to take on majority of the work when I am pregnant and can't do as much as I normally do... and when I don't do as much, someone always gets cranky - I DON'T LIKE IT!

I don't know how people could move so many times in their lives. I like to be situated in one place and preferably for a very long time. I like the idea of a "forever" house. Once upon a time I heaped all my dreams in a house that I thought was our forever house. Unfortunately, it lasted all but 4 years and we had to let it go because a lot of heartached ensued for everyone involved. Maybe one day I can dream again... and this time, it will be ours forever.

Meanwhile... I still do not like moving! On that note... I better start gathering more little things to haul out to the new abode. This time, I hope no one changes their mind and we have to do this all again in a year's time. UGH!

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