Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A Breath of New Beginnings

You know how you wake up some mornings and you feel it in your bones that things are going to be ok? I woke up like that this New Year's Eve morning. 2010 is a year to bring new beginnings. I am hopeful and optimistic about it. Time to start afresh and live to tell the tale of new life, new promises and new experiences and adventures. This will be a new decade. The last decade saw me transform to who I am today. The next decade will see me be a better me.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas is Near

This year, Christmas crept up on me. Mainly because there were so many events leading up to it. Now I find myself days away from the actual day and I haven't even wrapped presents yet! I am not panicking though. I am actually kinda sad leading up to it because the Christmas I knew growing up is gone for the time being. My family and I used to have this big lead up into Christmas. We'd have a big dinner on the 24th with family and friends, watch the carols on tv for a while, go to midnight mass and then open presents once we got home. I remember, as kids, my cousins and I would run home before the priest has even delivered the final blessing because we were so excited about the presents! These days, those memories are nothing but distant. Times change. People change. And here I am still holding onto memories. I loved that tradition. I loved being surrounded by family and friends. That's what Christmas is all about.

These days, I have to make new traditions.


Because people just won't let go.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

On Forward We Go

Let's make one thing clear... moving sucks! Everything involved in it is not fun at all. Except maybe the cute beefcakes we hired to move our stuff. Aside from that, I really do not like it. I don't like packing because my husband is anal and has his own system which I never seem to get right. I don't like unpacking because I hate putting all those things in their little places - although I have to admit I felt some sort of satisfaction putting away the condiments because the cupboards were bigger and they all fit in one space. I don't like telling dear husband what I want moved and I walk into the old place and the things are still there! Totally overlooked! I don't like that I will be the part timer who is expected to take on majority of the work when I am pregnant and can't do as much as I normally do... and when I don't do as much, someone always gets cranky - I DON'T LIKE IT!

I don't know how people could move so many times in their lives. I like to be situated in one place and preferably for a very long time. I like the idea of a "forever" house. Once upon a time I heaped all my dreams in a house that I thought was our forever house. Unfortunately, it lasted all but 4 years and we had to let it go because a lot of heartached ensued for everyone involved. Maybe one day I can dream again... and this time, it will be ours forever.

Meanwhile... I still do not like moving! On that note... I better start gathering more little things to haul out to the new abode. This time, I hope no one changes their mind and we have to do this all again in a year's time. UGH!

Thursday, December 3, 2009


Awwww Tiger... nothing like the public knowing about your private affairs. If you think about it, millions of couples deal with their problems in relative anonymosity. Tiger Woods is Tiger Woods. Now everyone knows. No one is infallible.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

2009 is Nearly Over

2009 is nearly over and I haven't written a single thing for a very long time. I wanted to really keep this up but got caught up in the rat race and neglected this. Lately, I have started to realise that I am missing out on noting down important things in my life because most days I am just so busy that life passes by without a backward glance. I really really want to start writing again. About my life. About my loved ones. Just about anything.

Best thing for me to do is to just start from whatever comes to mind.

1) I really dislike moving and everything that goes with it! I am surrounded by a sea of boxes and the hallway is like a maze that extends into the bedrooms. I just want a genie to magically put everything in the new place already. I just want to put my Christmas tree up. That's what I want to do. I love Christmas and I just want my tree up already.

2) So, yesterday we went to have dinner with mum. She had some prawns but didn't know what to do. My dear son wanted pasta. So I invented something that tasted brilliant at the end using those prawns and pasta. Added some tomatoes, onions and garlic and viola - my own version of a marinara pasta dish. Sometimes the best things come from the simplest things.

3) I am 15 weeks pregnant today. Little Bean (my hubby came up with the name) has a good strong heartbeat and my blood pressure is all good. I have a little belly pouch thing happening now where you kinda look like you had one too many hamburgers. I am so happy that the morning sickness is gone too because that was just not the best feeling in the world. At the same time, it was good to feel it because it was a reminder that I was pregnant.

4) I am addicted to Facebook.

5) I just came back from a long overdue trip overseas with my son. He got to meet all 3 living grandmothers (oone from my side and two from my hubby's). That was very special to me. He was very gracious with the women. He kinda freaked out the first time he met my grandmother because she must be the oldest person he has met ever. The second time he met her, he was very entertaining and was very sweet. He made me proud. Furthermore, in this same trip, I got to take him to his first Disneyland park. He loved it! I am looking forward to more Disneyland trips with him, hubby (who missed out on this one) and Little Bean :o)

6) At the moment, whenever we go somewhere or do something, my son wants to know how many minutes it will take. Everything revolves around "how many minutes" or numbers basically. Today, he said there are a million days in December! And that a toy he wants is "only $30" when it actually says you save $30 but the actual price is $99 lol. He looked through the whole Toys R' Us catalogue and he seemed to "need" a toy in each page. Even the girly toys. He wants a kitchen and a doll "that closes she's eyes when it lies down". On the same breath he also wants a PSP, a train set and a tool set (comes complete with its own cupboard to store your tools in).

I can not think of anything else to write. That will have to do for now. I am making my new year's resolution early... I will try my hardest to keep up this blog. Also, another new year's resolution is I will try to also take one photo everyday for the whole of 2010. I kinda did that this year but I am sure there were days when I totally forgot. So there you have it... set those resolutions in stone!
