Sunday, February 28, 2010

"This Will Just Be a Small Scratch..."

1-3-10, originally uploaded by rhee1975.

I've heard them all... what anaesthetists/blood collectors/nurses/doctors say just before they give you a needle or take your blood.

"This will just be a small scratch..."

"This won't hurt a bit..."

"Just a little sting..."

"It will just be like an ant bite..."

"Here we go - a little sting..."

"This might hurt a bit..."

"Just relax...."

Those phrases they come up with is synonymous with the action of them about to jab you. Today, when I was getting my blood tests (all three of them on the hour for three hours), the phrases swam in my head as I sat there hoping that I wouldn't faint because I had also been fasting since 9pm last night. I was fine though and my son kept me company. I explained to him the day before the procedure and the events of this morning's activity. I told him he will support mommy because mommy needs some blood tests. He asked what support meant and after I explained to him what it meant, he was happy to oblige. And oblige he did. He was so good that the ladies in the pathology office commended him for his good behaviour. He was so good that I rewarded him with a treat - Easyway, chocolate milk tea with pearls.

Overall, the experience was not as harrowing as I anticipated. We walked away from the office with me sporting three round bandaids (two on my left and one on my right crook of both arms) which my son thinks is the worst part of the ordeal because when you pull bandaids off, it is "ouchy". You know what? He probably is right.

The Last Day of Summer

28-2-10, originally uploaded by rhee1975.

Today was the last day of summer. We had lunch at a famous chicken place (famous for their chicken and garlic sauce) and then on the way back to the car, I saw this! Dark clouds gathering overhead. It looked so ominous! Just as well we ditched the beach plan and just headed for the aquatic centre. We didn't see the rain drench the dry earth but I did see my son having a blast in the water. He was having so much fun that he'd let out involuntary squeals of delight once in a while. Can't get better than that.

Goodbye summer...

Hello autumn....

Pretty soon - hello Lil' Bean.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Welcome to My Stage

27-2-10, originally uploaded by rhee1975.

This is where I perform. It has more dramas than any stage you will encounter. It has more blood and guts - literally! I fell in love with the operating theatres the first time I ever set foot in one way back when I was a student nurse. I knew I wanted to work there and no where else.

But some days I feel that I want to explore another side of me... my creative side. I often get people telling me that I am in the wrong profession.

Some days I think maybe I am...

Some days I think maybe I'm not....

Some days I want to fuse the worlds together...

Can I have the best of both worlds?

Friday, February 26, 2010

Nice and Neat Needles

26-2-10, originally uploaded by rhee1975.

One thing I like doing when I scrub for valve surgery is keeping my needles nice and neat. I have this little system where I have to line them all up so I can see each and everyone of them. The blue magnetic needle mat on top is great for displaying the needles I think. I like how the long straight needles adds a different shape to the over all picture. The straightness is a complete contrast to all the curves of the other needles. Listen to me talk about this palate as if it's a piece of art.

I almost sound obsessive compulsive with my needles.

It's quite ironic since I am not even a very neat person normally.

The mind boggles.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Where For Art Thou My Feet?

25-2-10, originally uploaded by rhee1975.

I was at work today and in a moment of peacefulness (I was in the toilets), I looked down and lo and behold - all I could see were the tips of my purple clogs. My baby bump is getting bigger! And the funny thing was, as if on cue, Lil Bean gave a big kick as if to say "Yup! I sure am getting bigger mom!"

And on another topic.... tomorrow I start my three day high carbohydrates diet in preparation for my fasting glucose tolerance test. I hope the results will be more favourable this time. Fingers crossed.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

I Ate One Too Many Chocolates

24-2-10, originally uploaded by rhee1975.

My pregnancy this time round is the complete opposite when I had my first one. First thing was the morning sickness - I had it bad this time round. I couldn't eat meat, couldn't stand perfume or anything with scents (even laundry powder!), couldn't cook anything and I was sick all day long. If I wanted to eat something and I didn't get it, I would be sick the whole day! I was so happy that once I passed the first trimester, all morning sickness symptoms went away.

This time round, I also have a chocolate craving. It actually started with a mango ice-cream craving - and not just any mango ice-cream either. It had to be Magnolia Mango Ice Cream. Any other brand just did not cut it. Once the mango ice cream craving ebbed away, the chocolate craving replaced it with a vengeance! I gobbled chocolate every chance I got. I don't normally buy chocolate when I do my grocery but this time I was buying them by the block.

Which explains why I ended up in my obstetrician's office this morning. I was summoned there because my glucose tolerance test was "slightly" high. So now I have to have a fasting glucose tolerance test on Monday.

Am I worried? Hell yeah!

So for lent I gave up chocolate. I am shying away from sweets too. It is so very difficult when all I can think about is buying a slab of Sara Lee chocolate cake and eating the icing off it! UGH!

But for the sake of mine and my baby's health, I must stay away from chocolate.

I know I shouldn't worry but knowing me, I won't stop until Lil Bean is delivered safe and healthy. And I come out of the ordeal okay too.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Salmon Sashimi and My Son

23-2-10, originally uploaded by rhee1975.

My son loves salmon sashimi. Whenever we go to the fish markets, he wipes off half a kilo easy. Today, however, he wasn't too gung-ho on the stuff. He was more excited about his Indiana Jones hat which he has been wearing around everywhere since his "ninang" (godmother) gave it to him.

A lot of people walk past and stare at his choice of food often with wonderment. It's like they can't believe a child his age would willingly choose sashimi over Mc Donalds. I am proud that my son has varied tastes in cuisine. I take pride in introducing him to different delicacies and widening his palate. Whenever I give him something new to try and he whinges, I always remind him about the book Green Eggs and Ham. It was one of his first favourite books. I always remind him that he has to taste everything first before he says he doesn't like it because, just maybe, he might actually like it!

One time, when he was only about 2 years old, we were invited to dinner at a Vietnamese restaurant. There was another kid there too who was 5 years old and his mom had to bring him a Happy Meal for dinner. She asked me what my son was going to eat. I said "Whatever I put on his plate." She was amazed to see that he had eaten everything I gave him.

Food is meant to be glorious I think so I want him to see it that way too. Eating is fun and there is a limitless variety out there for him to try. He must enjoy his food because he told me that when he grows up, he wants to be a chef.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

It's Monday People

Happy Monday! I have decided that I will try to blog regularly. I am currently doing one of those Project 365 where I take a photo each day. I have been posting it up to chronicle my life in 2010. Now, I was going to post the photos here too but seeing we are nearly through February, I will just start from yesterday. Otherwise, my brain might shrivel up and having placenta brain is bad enough (yes, I am also pregnant).

Okay, so the photo you see on top is a statue of Australia's first saint - Mary Mc Killop. The Pope announced her sainthood last week. I took the photo at church yesterday. I haven't been to church in a while and I actually miss it. So I took my son and off we went to "visit Papa Jesus". Understandably, he was bored. But I thought he held up well for the hour long service. I got my spiritual fill. When I was younger I used to be bored out of my mind going to church. Now, it's kind of therapeutic. And if I walk away with one message from God, I am happy. Yesterday's message for me was just call on Him and you will be saved. Just the words I needed to hear so I offered up all my worries, no matter how petty some of them are, and knew in my heart that things would be okay.

Afterwards, my son and I went to have dinner at his favourite restaurant. He ordered the same thing he always does and devoured the whole thing PLUS two orders of coconut juice PLUS honey king prawns! But he didn't finish the prawns. Meanwhile, I tucked into my laksa and felt Lil Bean squirming around from all the spices and chilli. It was a good dinner!

Monday, February 1, 2010

How Do You Like Them Apples?

I took my son to his pre-school for orientation day today. As soon as we arrived, he was given a locker. We put his bag in and as soon as that bag was placed in its slot, he was off! He was introduced to his teacher and he greeted her with a mixture of shyness and braveness at the same time. It was story telling time and the book was about dinosaurs. He was a bit apprehensive joining his classmates on the cushions so I sat down too. He listened to the story with interest and kept telling me about the dinosaurs he already knew (he has a dinosaur book at home). He answered questions and piped up a lot when he felt confident he knew the answer. He always managed to double check with me first though.

After story telling time, they had playtime and painting. He painted a picture with splashes and streaks of purple, green and orange. More play time after that. I left the room for about half an hour to organise payment and other formalities with the director. When I came back, he was still playing and had asked if he could stay for lunch. He made some new friends.

Lunch was lasagna and vegies. He gobbled up most of it. He even told his teacher "I love lasagna!" I took photos of him and realised while he was interacting with the other kids that he has grown up so much from that baby I used to carry in my arms. It made me a bit emotional but I held it together.

Finally, after lunch, he agreed to go after staying longer than we anticipated. He only relented and said it was okay to go when the chef promised him that next week when he starts that she would give him some apples for afternoon tea. The apple deal sealed it for him.

Off we went to the shops and I bought him some sweet treats because I was so proud of him. When we got home, I gave him lots of cuddles! My baby is now a boy but he will always be my baby.