Sunday, February 28, 2010

"This Will Just Be a Small Scratch..."

1-3-10, originally uploaded by rhee1975.

I've heard them all... what anaesthetists/blood collectors/nurses/doctors say just before they give you a needle or take your blood.

"This will just be a small scratch..."

"This won't hurt a bit..."

"Just a little sting..."

"It will just be like an ant bite..."

"Here we go - a little sting..."

"This might hurt a bit..."

"Just relax...."

Those phrases they come up with is synonymous with the action of them about to jab you. Today, when I was getting my blood tests (all three of them on the hour for three hours), the phrases swam in my head as I sat there hoping that I wouldn't faint because I had also been fasting since 9pm last night. I was fine though and my son kept me company. I explained to him the day before the procedure and the events of this morning's activity. I told him he will support mommy because mommy needs some blood tests. He asked what support meant and after I explained to him what it meant, he was happy to oblige. And oblige he did. He was so good that the ladies in the pathology office commended him for his good behaviour. He was so good that I rewarded him with a treat - Easyway, chocolate milk tea with pearls.

Overall, the experience was not as harrowing as I anticipated. We walked away from the office with me sporting three round bandaids (two on my left and one on my right crook of both arms) which my son thinks is the worst part of the ordeal because when you pull bandaids off, it is "ouchy". You know what? He probably is right.

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