Sunday, February 21, 2010

It's Monday People

Happy Monday! I have decided that I will try to blog regularly. I am currently doing one of those Project 365 where I take a photo each day. I have been posting it up to chronicle my life in 2010. Now, I was going to post the photos here too but seeing we are nearly through February, I will just start from yesterday. Otherwise, my brain might shrivel up and having placenta brain is bad enough (yes, I am also pregnant).

Okay, so the photo you see on top is a statue of Australia's first saint - Mary Mc Killop. The Pope announced her sainthood last week. I took the photo at church yesterday. I haven't been to church in a while and I actually miss it. So I took my son and off we went to "visit Papa Jesus". Understandably, he was bored. But I thought he held up well for the hour long service. I got my spiritual fill. When I was younger I used to be bored out of my mind going to church. Now, it's kind of therapeutic. And if I walk away with one message from God, I am happy. Yesterday's message for me was just call on Him and you will be saved. Just the words I needed to hear so I offered up all my worries, no matter how petty some of them are, and knew in my heart that things would be okay.

Afterwards, my son and I went to have dinner at his favourite restaurant. He ordered the same thing he always does and devoured the whole thing PLUS two orders of coconut juice PLUS honey king prawns! But he didn't finish the prawns. Meanwhile, I tucked into my laksa and felt Lil Bean squirming around from all the spices and chilli. It was a good dinner!

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