Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Salmon Sashimi and My Son

23-2-10, originally uploaded by rhee1975.

My son loves salmon sashimi. Whenever we go to the fish markets, he wipes off half a kilo easy. Today, however, he wasn't too gung-ho on the stuff. He was more excited about his Indiana Jones hat which he has been wearing around everywhere since his "ninang" (godmother) gave it to him.

A lot of people walk past and stare at his choice of food often with wonderment. It's like they can't believe a child his age would willingly choose sashimi over Mc Donalds. I am proud that my son has varied tastes in cuisine. I take pride in introducing him to different delicacies and widening his palate. Whenever I give him something new to try and he whinges, I always remind him about the book Green Eggs and Ham. It was one of his first favourite books. I always remind him that he has to taste everything first before he says he doesn't like it because, just maybe, he might actually like it!

One time, when he was only about 2 years old, we were invited to dinner at a Vietnamese restaurant. There was another kid there too who was 5 years old and his mom had to bring him a Happy Meal for dinner. She asked me what my son was going to eat. I said "Whatever I put on his plate." She was amazed to see that he had eaten everything I gave him.

Food is meant to be glorious I think so I want him to see it that way too. Eating is fun and there is a limitless variety out there for him to try. He must enjoy his food because he told me that when he grows up, he wants to be a chef.

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