Saturday, April 10, 2010

Sleepy Head

10-4-10, originally uploaded by rhee1975.

Slept in today. I haven't had one in a while. It was nice to just sleep, sleep, sleep. Although, I did wake up from a bad left leg cramp. How bad? Well, first I started whimpering because it hurt. I whimpered loud enough that my hubby woke up to ask what was wrong. I managed to utter that I had a cramp and he started to massage it. The pain intensified and I started to say "OW" quite loudly. When saying "OW" just didn't stop it, I started to cry unabashedly. Eventually, hubby massaged it out and funnily enough we both just went back to sleep without much drama.

Then the phone downstairs rang, answering machine picked up, no message and for some weird reason I thought the answering machine was broken because all I could hear was the word "message" over and over again. Like it was a broken record. In hindsight, I think I was half asleep and it was actually my son's breathing that I could hear. He managed to sneak into our bed. Somewhere between my thoughts debating whether it was really our answering machine broken or just my son breathing, I fell asleep again.

Finally, I woke up wedged in between my son and my hubby. Glanced at the clock and it was 10am. WOOHOO! But my left leg muscles felt like I ran a marathon and did tae kwan do all the same time. It was sore!

But I was so happy I had a sleep in! The rest of the day was spent recuperating some more from this terrible cold we got. I have not stayed home so much. However, need to focus on getting ourselves the healthiest we can be for the arrival of lil' bean. So I happily stay home.

Does chocolate make colds go away? I hope so! I have eaten 5 chocolate eggs today! Oops. Burp.

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