Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Lunch Date

31-3-10, originally uploaded by rhee1975.

My husband and I don't often go out on dates these days. I love dates! Just me and him - just like before.

Today, we took our son to pre-school and headed on to the city to check out a baby store my friend had recommended (cheaper than the other baby stores). We bought a change table for Lil' Bean (the one we got for our son had been given away too prematurely) and my husband bought me a glider chair (for breastfeeding and later on when baby is older, can be his "daddy" chair). I really, really wanted a bassinette and a new pram but logic prevailed (and the budget). But I still think those cute frilly bassinettes are still so gorgeous! And I still want a bright red and pink pram ha ha.

Afterwards, I was hungry. So off we went to the Bondi Westfield. I have not been there since forever. We found a Japanese restaurant we liked and got a table. I saw the wagyu beef and had to have that! I have kind of turned off sushi since this pregnancy so I left that alone. I also ordered zucchini flowers tempura stuffed with tofu, pumpkin and sweet potato. Had to have my endamame and soft shell crab karage too. They were all so good! Hubby polished off seven sushi plates all by himself. We were happy campers after that meal.

As if that wasn't filling enough, I tortured myself by looking at all the yummy pastries and cakes and cheeses in the David Jones food hall! I miss my soft cheeses. Most especially the soft blue cheeses and the triple crème brie! Ahhhh, soon enough my loves.

The best part of this day was that I could just extend my hand out to the left or right of me any time and it will find its way into my husband's waiting palm, which in turn will hold onto mine. Yep, that was the best part of the day indeed! Holding hands.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Girly Bits

30-3-10, originally uploaded by rhee1975.
Went to have my ultrasound today to make sure that the placenta is not blocking the cervix. It is not! YAY! No caesarean section. I also got the doctor to double check that our baby still has girly bits. She does! YAY!

I took along my mum and dad and my son.  My dad and my son were having so much fun playing with Mr. Potato Head that they stayed outside during the procedure.  I could hear my son getting excited and talking louder than everyone else from the ultrasound room. Made me smile. He gets excited like I do - we get loud!  

Anyway, all is well in uterus land....

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Kindergarten Already?!

29-3-10, originally uploaded by rhee1975.
Today, we had an early start to the day. I had an 8am appointment with my obstetrician. From there, dropped off my weekly blood sugar results at the clinic in hospital. Headed straight to the post office afterwards to pick up a package and send one off. Lastly, we handed in my son's kindergarten enrolment forms at our chosen school.

We were lucky that the principal was there and not busy so he actually took us on a tour of the school. It was nothing like I have ever seen before! The set up and concept of the school was definitely different from what I grew up with. I like how involved the parents are too (there were a couple of parents who were reading to the kindergarten kids and a few more were due to start the cooking class). It was an open plan set up for the classroom - yes, you read right - I said classroom... singular! One big area where the students were divided in "stages". One to three stages plus a special one just for kindergartens. I loved how everyone was in one area, yet, everyone was well behaved, quietly working but part of a cohesive group. Each group had their own areas and were doing different things. I also liked how there weren't many students in one class either, meaning the teachers had more time with each student. They had two teachers per group as well. I was suitably impressed. I hope my son gets into this school. I feel that he will benefit a lot from this school. I have a good feeling about it!

At the end of the tour, I thanked the principal for showing us around and answering my questions.  I walked away with a sense of excitement as my son enters a new phase in his life next year.  I also couldn't wait to tell hubby about it.

By 10am - we were home!  We still had a whole day ahead of us.  It is now time to vacuum... blah! But I am thinking a  nap to follow will be just perfect!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Next Stop, Level Three

25-3-10, originally uploaded by rhee1975.
Walked to work today. It was hot. My lunch bag weighed a ton. I wore a long dress. What was I thinking?! I got to work in one piece and decided to catch the elevator up. I figured if I walked up the stairs, I might collapse.

Des greeted me when I got to work and she gave me some banana bread. Yum! Will have to ration it and not eat it in one go - got to watch my sugar intake.

Work was fine.

Then, Jen offered to do my on-call tonight. Yay!

Thank God for good friends. What would I do without them?

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Forever Home?

24-3-10, originally uploaded by rhee1975.
Once upon a time, we used to live in this beautiful house. I use to watch the sunset from that very balcony you see on that photo. I used to take my son for walks around the neighbourhood every morning to familiarise ourselves with our surroundings. We use to watch people and cars go past from that very porch. My son used to crawl all around the smooth wooden floor boards that covered the first storey of the house. We enjoyed watching movies in our very own cinema room on the second floor. What happened I hear you ask? Drama unfortunately unfolded and problems arose and before I knew it, we had to say goodbye.

When we fist moved in, I called it our "forever house" - a house where I imagined our kids will grow up and paint the walls with memories year after year. Where we will start many traditions such as a photo with the Christmas tree with the whole family every year. Where, for better or worse, everyone will live happily ever after.

Unfortunately, I sometimes dream too big. This may have been one of them. Things just did not work out between family members and it was better to just start afresh. The pain was too much to bear.

Today, I drove past just to see if anything has changed. It looks exactly the same, albeit the bushes out front has grown taller. I felt sad that someone else will be building memories in my "forever house". At the same time, it was like a wake up call to tell me that this may not be the dream meant for me. There is something else out there for me and my family of (soon to be) four.

Dreams do come true. Sometimes you have to be careful what you wish for though because it may not always be what they seem.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Stopping To Smell the Roses

23-3-10, originally uploaded by rhee1975.
Got up today to my son whispering to me "Mommy, where's your iTouch?" Then he followed it with "Mommy, I stayed in my bed all night!" Then he gave me a cutesy smile. I had to wake up and hug him.

The day quickly followed through. It was hot! We ducked into the shops to get a couple of things and hurriedly headed home to avoid the heat. I had a little nap before my son started squishing himself next to me on the couch. Pretty soon I could smell the minty fresh aroma of Minties coming from his mouth. He found the stash! I asked him how much he had eaten while I was napping and he said only two. I told him that was enough for the day and he agreed readily (amazing!).

So while he was busy on the laptop learning about opposites and learning how to read, I took some time to catch up on some shows on tv. It was then that I took this photo. I looked outside to find the afternoon sun playing on the leaves of the trees. Magical! Simple moments like that make me feel good to be alive.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Afternoon Walk

22-3-10, originally uploaded by rhee1975.
When we got home today from spending the morning with mum and dad, I decided to go for a walk and tagged my son along. We went around the block once, stopping by the corner store to get him his favourite ice block and then walked past the playground to see if they have finished building it yet. As you can see, the playground is unfinished. We then headed off home.

I love walking with my son. He has a lot to talk about. He does not stop talking at all. He talks about anything and everything which is so amusing. It amazes me that it was not that long ago when he use to just signal with gestures and grunts and little sounds or mispronounced words to communicate. Now, he uses words like "it's complicated" or "frustrating" or "difficulty". He not only says them but he is also reading now too! His mind is a sponge and some days I toy with the idea of teaching him French but he might overtake me in my lessons and I won't be able to understand him ha ha.

I am one proud momma! I love him to bits!

Sunday, March 21, 2010


21-3-10, originally uploaded by rhee1975.
Went grocery shopping today. Had to re-shuffle my freezer to find room for the new stuff. I think we need a bigger fridge.

I am so tired today, I don't feel like cooking. I grabbed pastizzis, threw them in the oven with a meat pie and had those for dinner. I am too tired to write anything else. With the warm weather, I feel like a wilted flower.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Jelly Belly

19-3-10, originally uploaded by rhee1975.
I took this photo this morning. My belly sure is expanding! A lot of people come up to me and ask how long I have to go. When I tell them, they are almost always shocked because they say I am big and ready to pop. Depending on my mood, sometimes I just laugh it off and other times I just have to set them straight and tell them that yes, I do look bigger because I am normally small. It just looks bigger on me. I actually asked my obstetrician if my baby is bigger than normal and according to her my baby is growing fine and is the normal size for how far on I am.

So next time you come up to me and tell me I'm huge, or I might be carrying twins - just think twice. You're lucky I'm not the sensitive type who goes off howling the minute someone tells me I'm huge.

In addition - if I don't know you well and I don't normally have a huggy relationship with you... please refrain from touching my belly because it is creepy. Especially when you are a middle aged man who gives me the creeps to begin with anyway! Shudder!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Ruling Lines

18-3-10, originally uploaded by rhee1975.
It started off relatively chaotic at work just when it was nearly home time for a lot of people. I could sense the madness outside my theatre room because a lot of people were asked to stay back. Too many rooms going over their allotted time frame, hence, need to staff it, therefore, people staying back to finish surgery.

By the time I stepped out to write my case up in the registry, it had calmed down a bit and I was able to have a nice, uninterrupted dinner. I found a magazine to read (bonus - it was from February 2010 - rare! Usually magazines are a year old!), put my feet up and enjoyed my spaghetti.

After dinner, I was still pleasantly surprised I haven't been paged yet. So I put some stuff away and did some set-ups for tomorrow's cases. Still no page. I wandered out the front and still not paged. Unusual. Found the whiteboard where we write who's allocated in each theatre (if any) empty for a change. Team leader found me and asked to rule lines in the allocation book - I agreed because this means I get to sit down and with my size now, sitting down is a blessing. Chatted. Ruled lines. Stuffed up a few lines. Chatted some more.

Page came through and there was a trauma downstairs in emergency. Car accident. Ouch! But I was spared and left to rule lines as another team was put in a room to attend to the patient as he arrived.

Lines... red lines... after a few pages, it was time to go home.


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Green Day

17-3-10, originally uploaded by rhee1975.
Happy St. Patrick's Day! My son's pre-school asked parents to dress their kids in green today for the occasion. They even made green iced biscuits and had them for afternoon tea. My son reported that they painted their feet today but he declined because he did not want to get paint in his shoes. This is coming from the same boy who has no qualms wiping his spaghetti stained hands onto his shirt or his hair! He amuses me.

The picture of the day is the daily photo log that his pre-school provides everyday. It has the activities they did for the day and my son always ends up in the photos somewhat. He is a camera hog just like his momma!

A Very Merry Weekend

16-3-10, originally uploaded by rhee1975.
On Saturday, my mom and sister threw me a baby shower. It was a fun day to spend with friends and family, playing games, eating, chatting and lots of laughter. This photo is my attempt at capturing all the presents Lil' Bean received! A sea of pink and beautiful gifts. I am touched by people's love and generosity.

Sunday was my birthday. Another year younger. It coincided with the Pacquiao vs Cottey fight. We thought we'd invite some friends over and watch the fight live. It was my first time to watch a live boxing match. However, I was disappointed overall. Cottey, in my opinion, was scared to get knocked out and spent majority of the time hiding behind his boxing gloves. Dude! Go hard or go home! Proud of Pacquiao for another win. I just wished that there was more action from the opponent. PATOOEY!

Overall, my birthday weekend was great. Then on Monday we had another dinner celebration with my family. My sister-in-law's mom cooked and OMG - food heaven! And if dinner wasn't enough, they also got me a Lindt cake (don't know what it's called but it has chocolate moose in it with a thin layer of Lindt chocolate on top and an even thinner cake layer in between). Heavenly!

My birthday has been great... I just wish that the family was complete yesterday.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Excuse the Interruption in Our Program

10-3-10, originally uploaded by rhee1975.
There I was in the mall, happily shopping along when my alarm went off. Two hours after lunch, I had to do a blood sugar test. Where do I go?! Lucky there was a toilet nearby. I went to the cubicle, closed the toilet lid and sat on it. I took my stuff out and firstly cleaned my hands with the anti-bacterial solution. Went about my business and finally a reading. Good reading. Threw the stuff out and emerged to hit the stores again.

I was telling some of my friends yesterday about my predicament this pregnancy. There was a girl there who's sugar was too low (or high) that she needed insulin. Ouch - imagine injecting yourself everyday until your baby is born? Mine seems to be under control with diet that I count myself lucky. But a friend of mine made a good point - it's the hassle of not being able to just enjoy your pregnancy without having to worry about everything you eat or what the next blood sugar reading might be or where to do your testing. My first pregnancy was perfect. I enjoyed every minute of it. This time round, things are not quite so perfect. It's a totally different experience! Even though the experience may not seem so smooth sailing, I just want my baby to be healthy and safe. It's a small price to pay to be pricking my fingers 4 times a day just so my baby comes out okay. And I'd like to come out okay at the end too.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Wiggly Birthday

9-3-10, originally uploaded by rhee1975.
My son was invited to a 3rd birthday party today. It was at the Wiggly Centre. Last time we were there was for his 2nd birthday party and he was stuck in the toddler's play area. Today he was unleashed to the big kid's play area. Time flies!

It was really weird that amidst all the kid chaos and Wiggles songs playing over and over on the speakers, I had to go to the bathroom and do a blood glucose test. This involves pricking my finger, drawing blood and putting said blood on a test strip (which is inserted into a small portable blood glucose machine). You wait 5 seconds and viola, it displays your reading. Hardly the activity you see at an indoor play centre!

Funny thing with this "slightly elevated" blood sugar, I have suddenly stopped craving all the sweet things that I craved earlier on in my pregnancy. I guess that's a good thing.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Bitter Sweet Pricker

8-3-10, originally uploaded by rhee1975.

Alas, my blood sugar is slightly elevated. Hence, this blood sugar monitor. This means I have to prick my fingers four times a day. So far my fingers have been pricked twice and they are sore :( I have to do this until my baby is born.

You know what? I will do it if it means my baby and I will get through the ordeal safe, healthy and in one piece.

But damn my finger hurts....

Friday, March 5, 2010

An Apple and a Walk

5-3-10, originally uploaded by rhee1975.
I walked to work today. I left extra early just in case it took longer than usual because of my ever expanding belly. It was a nice walk actually. I took my time and munched on my apple, enjoying the outdoors. It took me 15 minutes.

On my way to work, I saw a man running. My first thought when I saw him was "Oh damn, I hope he doesn't collapse because I will have to resuscitate him in my pregnant state." He jogged along. I looked back at him again because I noticed he was wearing sandals, khakis and a nice dark blue polo shirt with white stripes. Hardly the jogger's outfit. When I looked at him again, I realised it was a surgeon I used to work with who is now retired! By then he was further down the street and not within hearing range anymore. Knowing him though, I wouldn't be surprised that he was running in that attire - but the question is to where?! Too bad I couldn't call out to him because he was too far now. I would've asked him why he was running and where he was going and how retirement was. He was actually my favourite surgeon to scrub with.

So off I trotted on to work after that little encounter. My apple was gone before I even entered the building. And I was still hungry. Being pregnant has turned me into an eating machine. BURP!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Watching the World Outside

4-3-10, originally uploaded by rhee1975.

This is the only view of the outside world when I am at work. Sometimes, when I am stuck doing a really long case in theatres, I might not even see daylight.

I took this photo while waiting for my mom to send me a picture message. This is one of the places I get a 3G signal from. I liked how the floor reflected the light initially. When I looked closer, the floor looked more like water to me - and how it even had a ripple effect. I was in awe.

Simple things catch my eye and it makes an otherwise normal day seem extraordinary.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Valentine's Day Again

3-3-10, originally uploaded by rhee1975.

I had a not very nice start to the morning. Went to see my obstetrician to get the results for my fasting glucose tolerance test and the result was not favourable. My reading was a bit high. Drats! Too much sweets seeing my craving this pregnancy is mainly chocolate. Not a happy gal! I now have to go the diabetic clinic and see a dietician. I am going to control this thing with a healthy diet and exercise - that is my plan.

Anyway, hubby took me to lunch at a Turkish restaurant where we shared a platter for two filled with chargrilled meats and dips and breads and salads and rice. It was delicious! I'm glad we tried something new today because it started to make me fell better (after this morning's news from doctor).

After lunch we decided to watch a movie - Valentine's Day. I love romantic comedies. They are one of my weakness. I totally loved the movie. It was like dating all over again. It was just me and hubby because our son was in pre-school. By the end of the movie, I was feeling a whole lot better.

Love comes in many forms. Sometimes when you least expect them.


Super Duper Special Lunch

2-3-10, originally uploaded by rhee1975.

I like to make interesting food for my son to try and for him to enjoy. Today, I made round open sandwiches with 4 different toppings. He devoured the thing! My husband saw the platter before I served it up and he chuckled at the preparation.

It was a labour of love xoxo