Sunday, March 28, 2010

Kindergarten Already?!

29-3-10, originally uploaded by rhee1975.
Today, we had an early start to the day. I had an 8am appointment with my obstetrician. From there, dropped off my weekly blood sugar results at the clinic in hospital. Headed straight to the post office afterwards to pick up a package and send one off. Lastly, we handed in my son's kindergarten enrolment forms at our chosen school.

We were lucky that the principal was there and not busy so he actually took us on a tour of the school. It was nothing like I have ever seen before! The set up and concept of the school was definitely different from what I grew up with. I like how involved the parents are too (there were a couple of parents who were reading to the kindergarten kids and a few more were due to start the cooking class). It was an open plan set up for the classroom - yes, you read right - I said classroom... singular! One big area where the students were divided in "stages". One to three stages plus a special one just for kindergartens. I loved how everyone was in one area, yet, everyone was well behaved, quietly working but part of a cohesive group. Each group had their own areas and were doing different things. I also liked how there weren't many students in one class either, meaning the teachers had more time with each student. They had two teachers per group as well. I was suitably impressed. I hope my son gets into this school. I feel that he will benefit a lot from this school. I have a good feeling about it!

At the end of the tour, I thanked the principal for showing us around and answering my questions.  I walked away with a sense of excitement as my son enters a new phase in his life next year.  I also couldn't wait to tell hubby about it.

By 10am - we were home!  We still had a whole day ahead of us.  It is now time to vacuum... blah! But I am thinking a  nap to follow will be just perfect!

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