Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Valentine's Day Again

3-3-10, originally uploaded by rhee1975.

I had a not very nice start to the morning. Went to see my obstetrician to get the results for my fasting glucose tolerance test and the result was not favourable. My reading was a bit high. Drats! Too much sweets seeing my craving this pregnancy is mainly chocolate. Not a happy gal! I now have to go the diabetic clinic and see a dietician. I am going to control this thing with a healthy diet and exercise - that is my plan.

Anyway, hubby took me to lunch at a Turkish restaurant where we shared a platter for two filled with chargrilled meats and dips and breads and salads and rice. It was delicious! I'm glad we tried something new today because it started to make me fell better (after this morning's news from doctor).

After lunch we decided to watch a movie - Valentine's Day. I love romantic comedies. They are one of my weakness. I totally loved the movie. It was like dating all over again. It was just me and hubby because our son was in pre-school. By the end of the movie, I was feeling a whole lot better.

Love comes in many forms. Sometimes when you least expect them.


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