Friday, March 5, 2010

An Apple and a Walk

5-3-10, originally uploaded by rhee1975.
I walked to work today. I left extra early just in case it took longer than usual because of my ever expanding belly. It was a nice walk actually. I took my time and munched on my apple, enjoying the outdoors. It took me 15 minutes.

On my way to work, I saw a man running. My first thought when I saw him was "Oh damn, I hope he doesn't collapse because I will have to resuscitate him in my pregnant state." He jogged along. I looked back at him again because I noticed he was wearing sandals, khakis and a nice dark blue polo shirt with white stripes. Hardly the jogger's outfit. When I looked at him again, I realised it was a surgeon I used to work with who is now retired! By then he was further down the street and not within hearing range anymore. Knowing him though, I wouldn't be surprised that he was running in that attire - but the question is to where?! Too bad I couldn't call out to him because he was too far now. I would've asked him why he was running and where he was going and how retirement was. He was actually my favourite surgeon to scrub with.

So off I trotted on to work after that little encounter. My apple was gone before I even entered the building. And I was still hungry. Being pregnant has turned me into an eating machine. BURP!

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