Tuesday, March 16, 2010

A Very Merry Weekend

16-3-10, originally uploaded by rhee1975.
On Saturday, my mom and sister threw me a baby shower. It was a fun day to spend with friends and family, playing games, eating, chatting and lots of laughter. This photo is my attempt at capturing all the presents Lil' Bean received! A sea of pink and beautiful gifts. I am touched by people's love and generosity.

Sunday was my birthday. Another year younger. It coincided with the Pacquiao vs Cottey fight. We thought we'd invite some friends over and watch the fight live. It was my first time to watch a live boxing match. However, I was disappointed overall. Cottey, in my opinion, was scared to get knocked out and spent majority of the time hiding behind his boxing gloves. Dude! Go hard or go home! Proud of Pacquiao for another win. I just wished that there was more action from the opponent. PATOOEY!

Overall, my birthday weekend was great. Then on Monday we had another dinner celebration with my family. My sister-in-law's mom cooked and OMG - food heaven! And if dinner wasn't enough, they also got me a Lindt cake (don't know what it's called but it has chocolate moose in it with a thin layer of Lindt chocolate on top and an even thinner cake layer in between). Heavenly!

My birthday has been great... I just wish that the family was complete yesterday.

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