Monday, March 22, 2010

Afternoon Walk

22-3-10, originally uploaded by rhee1975.
When we got home today from spending the morning with mum and dad, I decided to go for a walk and tagged my son along. We went around the block once, stopping by the corner store to get him his favourite ice block and then walked past the playground to see if they have finished building it yet. As you can see, the playground is unfinished. We then headed off home.

I love walking with my son. He has a lot to talk about. He does not stop talking at all. He talks about anything and everything which is so amusing. It amazes me that it was not that long ago when he use to just signal with gestures and grunts and little sounds or mispronounced words to communicate. Now, he uses words like "it's complicated" or "frustrating" or "difficulty". He not only says them but he is also reading now too! His mind is a sponge and some days I toy with the idea of teaching him French but he might overtake me in my lessons and I won't be able to understand him ha ha.

I am one proud momma! I love him to bits!

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