Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Stopping To Smell the Roses

23-3-10, originally uploaded by rhee1975.
Got up today to my son whispering to me "Mommy, where's your iTouch?" Then he followed it with "Mommy, I stayed in my bed all night!" Then he gave me a cutesy smile. I had to wake up and hug him.

The day quickly followed through. It was hot! We ducked into the shops to get a couple of things and hurriedly headed home to avoid the heat. I had a little nap before my son started squishing himself next to me on the couch. Pretty soon I could smell the minty fresh aroma of Minties coming from his mouth. He found the stash! I asked him how much he had eaten while I was napping and he said only two. I told him that was enough for the day and he agreed readily (amazing!).

So while he was busy on the laptop learning about opposites and learning how to read, I took some time to catch up on some shows on tv. It was then that I took this photo. I looked outside to find the afternoon sun playing on the leaves of the trees. Magical! Simple moments like that make me feel good to be alive.

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