Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Lunch Date

31-3-10, originally uploaded by rhee1975.

My husband and I don't often go out on dates these days. I love dates! Just me and him - just like before.

Today, we took our son to pre-school and headed on to the city to check out a baby store my friend had recommended (cheaper than the other baby stores). We bought a change table for Lil' Bean (the one we got for our son had been given away too prematurely) and my husband bought me a glider chair (for breastfeeding and later on when baby is older, can be his "daddy" chair). I really, really wanted a bassinette and a new pram but logic prevailed (and the budget). But I still think those cute frilly bassinettes are still so gorgeous! And I still want a bright red and pink pram ha ha.

Afterwards, I was hungry. So off we went to the Bondi Westfield. I have not been there since forever. We found a Japanese restaurant we liked and got a table. I saw the wagyu beef and had to have that! I have kind of turned off sushi since this pregnancy so I left that alone. I also ordered zucchini flowers tempura stuffed with tofu, pumpkin and sweet potato. Had to have my endamame and soft shell crab karage too. They were all so good! Hubby polished off seven sushi plates all by himself. We were happy campers after that meal.

As if that wasn't filling enough, I tortured myself by looking at all the yummy pastries and cakes and cheeses in the David Jones food hall! I miss my soft cheeses. Most especially the soft blue cheeses and the triple crème brie! Ahhhh, soon enough my loves.

The best part of this day was that I could just extend my hand out to the left or right of me any time and it will find its way into my husband's waiting palm, which in turn will hold onto mine. Yep, that was the best part of the day indeed! Holding hands.

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