Friday, March 19, 2010

Jelly Belly

19-3-10, originally uploaded by rhee1975.
I took this photo this morning. My belly sure is expanding! A lot of people come up to me and ask how long I have to go. When I tell them, they are almost always shocked because they say I am big and ready to pop. Depending on my mood, sometimes I just laugh it off and other times I just have to set them straight and tell them that yes, I do look bigger because I am normally small. It just looks bigger on me. I actually asked my obstetrician if my baby is bigger than normal and according to her my baby is growing fine and is the normal size for how far on I am.

So next time you come up to me and tell me I'm huge, or I might be carrying twins - just think twice. You're lucky I'm not the sensitive type who goes off howling the minute someone tells me I'm huge.

In addition - if I don't know you well and I don't normally have a huggy relationship with you... please refrain from touching my belly because it is creepy. Especially when you are a middle aged man who gives me the creeps to begin with anyway! Shudder!

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