Thursday, March 18, 2010

Ruling Lines

18-3-10, originally uploaded by rhee1975.
It started off relatively chaotic at work just when it was nearly home time for a lot of people. I could sense the madness outside my theatre room because a lot of people were asked to stay back. Too many rooms going over their allotted time frame, hence, need to staff it, therefore, people staying back to finish surgery.

By the time I stepped out to write my case up in the registry, it had calmed down a bit and I was able to have a nice, uninterrupted dinner. I found a magazine to read (bonus - it was from February 2010 - rare! Usually magazines are a year old!), put my feet up and enjoyed my spaghetti.

After dinner, I was still pleasantly surprised I haven't been paged yet. So I put some stuff away and did some set-ups for tomorrow's cases. Still no page. I wandered out the front and still not paged. Unusual. Found the whiteboard where we write who's allocated in each theatre (if any) empty for a change. Team leader found me and asked to rule lines in the allocation book - I agreed because this means I get to sit down and with my size now, sitting down is a blessing. Chatted. Ruled lines. Stuffed up a few lines. Chatted some more.

Page came through and there was a trauma downstairs in emergency. Car accident. Ouch! But I was spared and left to rule lines as another team was put in a room to attend to the patient as he arrived.

Lines... red lines... after a few pages, it was time to go home.


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