Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Excuse the Interruption in Our Program

10-3-10, originally uploaded by rhee1975.
There I was in the mall, happily shopping along when my alarm went off. Two hours after lunch, I had to do a blood sugar test. Where do I go?! Lucky there was a toilet nearby. I went to the cubicle, closed the toilet lid and sat on it. I took my stuff out and firstly cleaned my hands with the anti-bacterial solution. Went about my business and finally a reading. Good reading. Threw the stuff out and emerged to hit the stores again.

I was telling some of my friends yesterday about my predicament this pregnancy. There was a girl there who's sugar was too low (or high) that she needed insulin. Ouch - imagine injecting yourself everyday until your baby is born? Mine seems to be under control with diet that I count myself lucky. But a friend of mine made a good point - it's the hassle of not being able to just enjoy your pregnancy without having to worry about everything you eat or what the next blood sugar reading might be or where to do your testing. My first pregnancy was perfect. I enjoyed every minute of it. This time round, things are not quite so perfect. It's a totally different experience! Even though the experience may not seem so smooth sailing, I just want my baby to be healthy and safe. It's a small price to pay to be pricking my fingers 4 times a day just so my baby comes out okay. And I'd like to come out okay at the end too.

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