Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Forever Home?

24-3-10, originally uploaded by rhee1975.
Once upon a time, we used to live in this beautiful house. I use to watch the sunset from that very balcony you see on that photo. I used to take my son for walks around the neighbourhood every morning to familiarise ourselves with our surroundings. We use to watch people and cars go past from that very porch. My son used to crawl all around the smooth wooden floor boards that covered the first storey of the house. We enjoyed watching movies in our very own cinema room on the second floor. What happened I hear you ask? Drama unfortunately unfolded and problems arose and before I knew it, we had to say goodbye.

When we fist moved in, I called it our "forever house" - a house where I imagined our kids will grow up and paint the walls with memories year after year. Where we will start many traditions such as a photo with the Christmas tree with the whole family every year. Where, for better or worse, everyone will live happily ever after.

Unfortunately, I sometimes dream too big. This may have been one of them. Things just did not work out between family members and it was better to just start afresh. The pain was too much to bear.

Today, I drove past just to see if anything has changed. It looks exactly the same, albeit the bushes out front has grown taller. I felt sad that someone else will be building memories in my "forever house". At the same time, it was like a wake up call to tell me that this may not be the dream meant for me. There is something else out there for me and my family of (soon to be) four.

Dreams do come true. Sometimes you have to be careful what you wish for though because it may not always be what they seem.

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